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Adding Paychecks

The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Paycheck.


Paycheck Tab

You may already be in Paychecks form with the background Employee data you want present.  If so, go to step number "2."  Otherwise, proceed with step number "1." below.  If you are in the Main Menu, click on Payroll, then the topic New Paychecks.


The first steps describe the fields at the top of the Paycheck form.

1.From the Main Menu, click on Payroll, then New Paychecks.  You will now be brought to the Create New Paychecks Find form that will be labeled, "Find the Employee for this Paycheck."  Click on the next words, Create New Paychecks for help on how to use the Create New Paychecks Find form.  Once you complete the form, you may return to this Adding Paychecks Help to continue with step number "2." below.  The cursor will be flashing at the top of the Paychecks form in the Employee ID field.

2.The Paycheck ID will be automatically filled in with a unique number based on the starting number that is assigned in the Starting Numbers form.  This number is used as a reference for you and for VisionCore to help find this paycheck later if necessary.  It cannot be changed on this form but you can change the numbering sequence in the Starting Numbers form.

3.Once you have selected an Employee ID you will notice most of the fields and Line Item Detail's will fill in with the default data that was setup in the Employees form.  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

4.Then enter the pay period dates in the Period fields.  The Period dates should automatically fill in with the correct period dates for the selected employee.  You can click the drop down button to open a miniature calendar to graphically enter a period date.  When you enter the first period date the second or ending date will automatically fill in based on the selected employees pay periods.

5.Enter the date the paycheck is issued or paid in the Pay Date field.  You can click the drop down button to open a miniature calendar to graphically enter a period date.

6.Next enter the checking account you want to pay the check from in the Bank ID combo box.  If there are no checking accounts listed or you need to setup additional bank accounts see the Adding Bank Accounts section.

7.The Check No field will automatically display the word "Check" when you first add a new paycheck.  You can manually enter the next check number you want to use for the selected Bank ID or click the little Plus button next to the check number field to automatically fill in the next check number.  You must initially setup the next check number to be used in the Bank Account Information form using the Next Check Number field.  You can manually change this check number if necessary.

8.You can also enter a Job ID for tracking the journal entry to a Job.

Earnings Line Item Detail

Describes the fields in the Earnings Line Item Detail on the Paycheck Tab.  Click the Ellipse button next to the Earning ID label to open the Employee Earnings tab.  Click the Ellipse button next to the Earning ID to open the Paycheck Earning Options form where you can delete, edit, sort and adjust Account ID's for the selected Earning ID.

1.The Earnings Line Item Detail has probably already been filled in with default data from the selected employees earning types.  You can add, edit or delete Earnings from this Line Item Detail as needed.  You can also enter the same Earning ID more than once in this Line Item Detail if you want to track hours or pay rates separately.

2.Select the Earning ID of the employee you want to create a paycheck for if it is not already in the Earnings Line Item Detail.  Once you select an Earning ID you will notice that the Rate or Amount fields will fill in with the default data that was setup in the Employee Earnings form.  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

3.The Hours and Rate fields will only be enable if the Calculation Type is Hourly Rate.  Enter the number of hours in the Hours field that the employee worked for the selected earning.  The Rate field will display the hourly rate that was setup for the employee. If Calculation Type is not set to Hourly Rate, these fields will be blank by default.

4.The Amount field will display either the "Annual Salary" or "Fixed Amount" setup in the employee earnings form or the Hours * Rate field.  You have the ability to override the value in amount field by manually entering another amount.

5.The Gross field will display the total gross of all the Earnings Amount fields.

6.The Hrs field will display the total Hours of all the Earnings Hours fields.

7.The Net field will display the Net pay for the paycheck based on the taxes, employer liability and deductions.


Employee Taxes Line Item Detail

Describes the fields in the Employee Taxes Line Item Detail on the Paycheck Tab.  Click the Ellipse button next to the Tax ID label to open the Employee Taxes tab.  Click the Ellipse button next to the Tax ID to open the Paycheck Tax Options form where you can delete, edit, sort and adjust Account ID's for the selected Tax ID.

1.The Employee Taxes Line Item Detail has probably already been filled in with default tax types from the selected employees tax types.  You can add, edit or delete tax types, except for taxes with Calculate Type set as USA Social Security or USA Medicare (FICA taxes), from this Line Item Detail as needed.  You cannot enter the same Tax ID more than once in this Line Item Detail.  See Allow Admin user to modify FICA fields in Paycheck

2.Select the Tax ID you want to use from the Tax ID combo box.  Once you select a Tax ID you will notice that the Amount field will fill in with the default data that was setup in the Employee Taxes form.  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

3.The Amount field will display the amount for the selected Tax ID.  You have the ability to override the value in Amount field by manually entering another amount, except for taxes with Calculate Type set as USA Social Security or USA Medicare (FICA taxes).  If you do manually enter an amount then the paycheck will no longer automatically calculate or change the amount you entered.  To have the paycheck recalculate that amount click the Recalc button at the top of the Paychecks form. See Allow Admin user to modify FICA fields in Paycheck

4.The Total field will display the total gross of all the Taxes Amount fields.

Deductions Line Item Detail

Describes the fields in the Deductions Line Item Detail on the Paycheck Tab.  Click the Ellipse button next to the Deduction ID label to open the Employee Deductions tab.  Click the Ellipse button next to the Deduction ID to open the Paycheck Deduction Options form where you can delete, edit, sort and adjust Account ID's for the selected Deduction ID.

1.The Deductions Line Item Detail has probably already been filled in with default data from the selected employees deduction types.  You can add, edit or delete deduction types from this Line Item Detail as needed.  You cannot enter the same Deduction ID more than once in this Line Item Detail.

2.Select the Deduction ID you want to use from the Deduction ID combo box.  Once you select a Deduction ID you will notice that the Amount field will fill in with the default data that was setup in the Employee Deductions form.  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

3.The Amount field will display the amount for the selected Deduction ID.  You have the ability to override the value in Amount field by manually entering another amount.  If you do manually enter an amount then the paycheck will no longer automatically calculate or change the amount you entered.  To have the paycheck recalculate that amount click the Recalc button at the top of the Paycheck form.

4.The Total field will display the total gross of all the Deductions Amount fields.

Company Taxes Line Item Detail

Describes the fields in the Company Taxes Line Item Detail on the Paycheck Tab.  Click the Ellipse button next to the Tax ID label to open the Company Taxes tab.  Click the Ellipse button next to the Tax ID to open the Paycheck Tax Options form where you can delete, edit, sort and adjust Account ID's for the selected Tax ID.

1.The Company Taxes Line Item Detail has probably already been filled in with default tax types from the selected company tax types.  You can add, edit or delete tax types, except for taxes with Calculate Type set as USA Social Security or USA Medicare (FICA taxes), from this Line Item Detail as needed.  You cannot enter the same Tax ID more than once in this Line Item Detail.  See Allow Admin user to modify FICA fields in Paycheck

2.Select the Tax ID you want to use from the Tax ID combo box.  Once you select a Tax ID you will notice that the Amount field will fill in with the default data that was setup in the Company Taxes form.  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

3.The Amount field will display the amount for the selected Tax ID.  You have the ability to override the value in Amount field by manually entering another amount, except for taxes with Calculate Type set as USA Social Security or USA Medicare (FICA taxes).  If you do manually enter an amount then the paycheck will no longer automatically calculate or change the amount you entered.  To have the paycheck recalculate that amount click the Recalc button at the top of the paycheck form.  See Allow Admin user to modify FICA fields in Paycheck

4.The Total field will display the total gross of all the Taxes Amount fields.

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