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Adding Customer Special Pricing

The following steps will explain in detail how to add new Customer Special Pricing.


1.Open the Customer form and then find the prospect you wish to add a special price to by either searching or using the record navigation buttons.  You must have already added the customer or customers you want to add special prices to in the customer form.  If you need to add a new customer see the Adding Customers topic.  Click the Special Pricing tab at the top of the customer form.  You will notice that the top portion of this form will display the Customer ID, Company and Customer Type information for the selected customer.  The lower portion of this form is a Line Item Detail where you may add an unlimited number of special prices for each inventory item, category or subcategory that is stored in the Inventory Items form.  You must also have entered inventory before you can use this form to give special prices.

2.First click in the Item No, Category or Subcategory field in the Line Item Detail, click on the combo box drop down arrow to review the list of current inventory items.  Click on the Item No, Category or Subcategory that you want to give your customer a special price on.

3.The Modified Description field will pull in the Description for the Item No filled in the Inventory.  You can Modify that description for this Special Price and it will not affect the information you entered for the Product in the Inventory form.  This allows you to enter a specific information on the special price and pull that information into the sales or service transaction forms each time the product is ordered by the customer.  The Original Description field will display the description for that product that is entered in the inventory form.

4.You will need to select the Unit of Measure you are giving the special price on.  If you only use the default unit of "Each" that will be automatically filled in for you.

5.The Units field will fill in based on what you have selected in the Unit of Measure field.

6.You will need to select a Begin Date for the special price or discount you want to give to your customer.  You can manually type in the date or click the drop down button to open the miniature calendar form so you can graphically enter a date.  This special price will not be valid until the begin date has started.  So, if you want to setup a customer to start getting the special price in a week from now then enter that date and they will continue getting the normal price until that date has passed.

7.You will need to select a End Date for the special price you want to give to your customer.  You can manually type in the date or  click the drop down button to open the miniature calendar form so you can graphically enter a date.  This special price will go back to the normal price once the end date has passed.  The record will not be removed in the customer special pricing form even after the end date passed.  In that way you can come back and extend the date if you wish.  If you never want the special price to end then enter a date far into the future.

8.The Sales Price field will automatically fill in the Sale Price you have entered for that Item No in the Inventory form.  You can then change the Sales Price based on the special price you want to offer that Customer.

9.The Discount field for the Category and Subcategory should be entered, when selecting that type of Customer Special Pricing.

10.There will be a delete button next to each line item in the Line Item Detail list.  To delete an Item No from the Line Item Detail click the delete button at the left side of the line item next to the Item No field.  This will delete whichever line you click that button on.