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Adding Inventory Build Assembly Items

The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Inventory Build Assembly Item.

1.From the Main Menu, click on Inventory Control, then Inventory Build Assembly Items.  The Inventory Build Assembly Items Find form will appear.  Click on the New Build Assembly button in the lower left hand corner of the Find form.  The Inventory Build Assembly Item form will now appear.  The cursor will be flashing at the top of the form in the Item No field.

2.The Item No field is where you select the inventory assembly item you want to use.  When you select an Item No from the combo box the quantity, stock, modified description, unit measure, units, cost and subtotal fields will all fill in with the data from that inventory assembly item.

3.Enter the Date you are building the assembly item in the Date field.

4.The Reference field can be used to enter any references when building an assembly item.

5.Enter the Warehouse ID of the warehouse the item will be built from.

6.In the Quantity to Build field enter the number of items that will be built when the Post button is pressed.

7.The Description field can be used to enter a brief description of what is being built.

Line Item Detail

1.The Component field displays the Item Notes that make up the assembly item.

2.The Quantity field displays the number of items needed of the selected Product Number for the assembly item.

3.The Stock field will display the total number of items in stock for the selected Product Number.

4.The Description field displays the components description.

5.The Unit Measure field displays the Unit Measure of each component.

6.The Units field will display the number of units the selected Unit Measure is setup for.

7.The Cost field displays the Last Cost of the inventory item.

8.The Subtotal field will calculate the quantity by the cost and display the total cost for the selected inventory item

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