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Bill Line Item Details

The Bill Line Item Details are described in the Bill Items Tab Help section.  The Bill Items Tab Help section is repeated below for your convenience.


In the Bill Items Tab, the Line Item Details are used to enter all the inventory items, quantities, amounts and so on for each item being purchased.  There are three different line item Line Item Details that can be used with a Bill form.  Two single line item Line Item Detail and a double line item Line Item Detail.   You can change the Line Item Details on the fly from the Bill form by clicking on the little Line Item Detail Display (Ellipse) button in the upper left corner of the  Line Item Detail to the left of the Item No label.  You can pick a default Line Item Detail to use in the Company Preferences form under the Purchase tab.  Whatever you select as a default will be visible when you add new Bills.  Below are the descriptions for all the fields on the three Line Item Details starting with one of the two single line Line Item Detail.


Single Line Line Item Detail

1.In the Item No field you have the choice of either selecting an existing Item No from the combo box or entering a new Item No in the combo box.  If you choose to enter a new Item No press the 'Enter' key after you type the add Item No and a message will appear asking if you want to enter the add Item No.  If you select 'Yes' the Inventory Items form will open where you will be able to enter a new inventory item.  See: Adding Inventory Items.  After you have complete adding inventory items, please come back to this form to continue.

2.After you add or enter an Item No you will notice many of the fields on the Line Item Detail like Description and Cost will fill in with data based on that inventory item.  This can really help speed up data entry and is good reason why you should spend the time to enter data in key fields of the inventory items form like Description and Cost.

3.There is also a Ellipse button to the left of every Item No field.  When you click this button the Line Item Options form will open where you can do different things to the selected line item.

4.The Rcvd (Received) field is used to enter the number of the selected Item No you actually received.

5.The On Ord (On Order) field is read only and will display how many of the selected items are currently on order.  This is calculated by how many purchase orders there are for the item.

6.The Stock field is read only and will display how many of the selected items are currently in stock.

7.The Description field will automatically be filled in with the selected Item No's description entered in the inventory items form.  You can edit the description field for each line item without affecting the original description.  When you enter in this field you will notice the field enlarges in size so that you can view larger descriptions.  When you Tab out of the field it will reduce back to its original size.

8.The Disc (Discount) field is where you can enter a discount percentage you received on the selected item.  If a vendor gives you a 5% discount when purchasing a particular item enter 5 in this field.

9.The Tax field is actually a combo box where you can enter different methods of sales tax for the selected line item.  This can be important if you are charged sales tax on one line item but you are not charged it on every other line item.

10.The Cost field will automatically fill in with the selected Item No's Last Cost entered in the Inventory Items form.  You can override this cost with a different amount if you need to but if you do, the Last Cost field in the inventory items form will also be updated.

11.The Total field will display the Received quantity multiplied by the Cost field.  If you received 5 and the cost was 30.00 each then the total field would display 150.00.

Double line item Line Item Detail

1.In the Item No field you have the choice of either selecting an existing Item No from the combo box or entering a new Item No in the combo box.  If you choose to enter a new Item No press the 'Enter' key after you type the add Item No and a message will appear asking if you want to enter the add Item No.  If you select 'Yes' the Inventory Items form will open where you will be able to enter a new inventory item.  See: Adding Inventory Items

2.After you add or enter an Item No you will notice many of the fields on the Line Item Detail like Description and Cost will fill in with data based on that inventory item.  This can really help speed up data entry and is good reason why you should spend the time to enter data in key fields of the inventory items form like Description, Last Cost, and Unit Measure.

3.There is also an Ellipse button to the left of every Item No field.  When you click this button the Line Item Options form will open where you can do different things to the selected line item.

4.The Received field is used to enter the number of the selected Item No you actually received.

5.The PO Quantity field is a read only field used if a Vendor Purchase Order was created and then converted to a Bill.  This field would then display the original purchase order quantity here for your reference.  If you did not create a Vendor Purchase Order then this field will always display zero and can be ignored.

6.The Description field will automatically be filled in with the selected Item No's description entered in the inventory items form.  You can edit the description field for each line item without affecting the original description.  When you enter in this field you will notice the field enlarges in size so that you can view larger descriptions.  When you Tab out of the field it will reduce back to its original size.

7.The  Disc (Discount) field is where you can enter a discount percentage you received on the selected item.  If a vendor gives you a 5% discount when purchasing a particular item enter 5 in this field.

8.The Tax field is actually a combo box where you can enter different methods of sales tax for the selected line item.  This can be important if you are charged sales tax on one line item but you are not charged it on every other line item.

9.The Cost field will automatically fill in with the selected Item No's Last Cost entered in the Inventory Items form.  You can override this cost with a different amount if you need to but if you do, the Last Cost field in the inventory items form will also be updated.

10.The Total field will display the Received quantity multiplied by the Cost field.  If you received 5 and the cost was 30.00 each then the total field would display 150.00.

11.The additional Info field will automatically be filled in with the selected Item No's additional Info field from the Inventory Items form.  You can edit the notes field for each line item without affecting the original additional info field.

12.The On Order field is read only and will display how many of the selected items are currently on order.  This is calculated by how many purchase orders there are for the item.

13.The In Stock field is read only and will display how many of the selected items are currently in stock at the selected warehouse.  This number is based on the Warehouse ID that has been selected for this item.

14.The Unit Measure combo box field is used to select the unit measure of the item being shipped.  This field will automatically fill in based on the setting of it in the inventory item form.  See: Adding Inventory Unit Measures or Inventory Unit Measure

15.The Units field will automatically fill in based on the selected unit measure.  If this number is anything other than 1 then the Cost field will be multiplied by it as well as the Received quantity to give you a different total.

16.The Weight and Volume fields will also automatically fill in based on the value setup in the Unit Measure form.  You will also notice that at the top of the Line Item Detail directly above both of these fields will be a running total of both the weight and volume.  This information will be printed on the invoice.

17.The Warehouse ID combo box field will automatically fill in based on the default warehouse setup in the Company Preferences form.  You can also select a different warehouse you want the received inventory item to be entered into.

18.The Job ID field can be used to assign a Job ID to track the purchases for a job.

Single Line Line Item Detail

This is different from the other Single Line Line Item Detail.

1.The Qty (Quantity) field is read only and displays the Purchased Quantity.

2.The Rcvd (Received) field is used to enter the number of the selected Item No you actually received.

3.The Description field will automatically be filled in with the selected Item No's description entered in the inventory items form.  You can edit the description field for each line item without affecting the original description.  When you enter in this field you will notice the field enlarges in size so that you can view larger descriptions.  When you Tab out of the field it will reduce back to its original size.

4.The Account ID field will automatically be filled in with the General Ledger Account ID you assigned to the account during set up.  See: Account ID Naming Conventions.  The Account ID field also has a combo box that you may then click on that will bring up the list of Accounts so that you may change the Account as appropriate.

5.The Job ID field can be used to assign a Job ID to track the purchases for a job.

6.The Tax field is actually a combo box where you can enter different methods of sales tax for the selected line item.  This can be important if you are charged sales tax on one line item but you are not charged it on every other line item.

7.The Cost field will automatically fill in with the selected Item No's Last Cost entered in the Inventory Items form.  You can override this cost with a different amount if you need to but if you do, the Last Cost field in the inventory items form will also be updated.

8.The Total field will display the Received quantity multiplied by the Cost field.  If you received 5 and the cost was 30.00 each then the total field would display 150.00.

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