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Build Accounts

The Build Accounts form will allow you to combine some, or all of your primary accounts with some, or all of your segments.  This process is fairly simple.  If you want to combine all your primary accounts with all of your segments, simply click on the Select All button for each respective window.  If, on the other hand, you wish to only use some primary accounts with only some of your segments, all you need to do is click on the appropriate accounts and segments and have them selected, or highlighted.


You will notice that above the primary accounts you will see the Currency field.  This is used to select a currency for the accounts you are to build or create.  Next to it is the Account structure mask. This will help you visualize what the accounts will look when they are created.  Once you have your selections highlighted, click the Build button to build, or create your accounts.  This will bring up the Commit Chart of Accounts form, which will allow you to review, change the description and ultimately add the accounts to your Chart of Accounts.


Form Buttons

Form Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Build button will combine the highlighted accounts and bring up the Commit Chart of Accounts form.

Bullet PointThe Preview button will bring up the Chart of Accounts Preview report which will show the accounts you are about to create.  This report can be printed and reviewed as needed.

Bullet PointThe Structure button will open the Account Structure form where you can view and define a specific account structure.

Bullet PointThe Groups button will open the Account Groups form where you can view, add or group your accounts into groups and subgroups.

Bullet PointThe Segments button will open the Segment Accounts form where you set up your main, or primary and segment accounts and assign them a description and a corresponding code.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Build Chart of Accounts form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left of the form for help on the form that is currently opened.