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Customer Contact Sites and Departments

The Customer Contact Sites and Departments form displays unlimited sites, departments and contacts for one particular company or customer.  At the very top of the form is where the Customer ID number and Company name are displayed.  These fields are read only and are automatically filled in with information you entered in the Customer form.



In the Sites area you can reference alternate locations for the company as well as an alternate company name.  If you want to review or edit details on a specific Customer Site location click on the ellipse button to the left of the Site line item.  This will open up the Customer Site form to the selected site location you chose.  To add a new Customer Site click the ellipse  button next to the last line in the site list, which will be blank.  The Customer Site form will open and clear the data on the form so you can enter a new customer site.  The Site locations listed here can be use to fill in the Ship To area of Invoice or Order form.



The Departments area displays the different Customer Departments located at a particular site.  If you click on the ellipse button to the left of a department name, it will open up the customer department form.  When in the customer department form, click on the combo box down arrow to review a list of the departments or click the New button to move your cursor to a new line where you can enter a new department for the selected customer or company.  You can also click on the ellipse button to the left of a department line item to the Customer Department List form where you can add, edit or delete departments.



The Contacts area displays all the related customer contacts for the selected customer or company.  If you go to the line item and click the ellipse button to the left, the Customer Contact form will open.  This is where you can enter the Contacts name, title, department and site location.  This information will be displayed in line item form on the Customer Contact Sites and Department form.


The record navigation buttons at the bottom of the form are used to move from one Sites and Department to another.  It also displays how many records are in the customer contact sites and departments form and what record you are currently on.  Clicking on one of the four buttons will navigate you through your existing data.  You may use the Find button to find a specific record.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Find button will enable you to Find customer contact sites and departments.



Related Topics

Customer Contact

Customer Site

Customer Departments

Customer Department List
