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Generate Serial Numbers

The Generate Serial Numbers form allows you to auto-generate serial numbers for a specific inventory item.

1.Enter a starting Serial Number to be generated on the very first field.

2.In the No. of Serial Numbers to Generate field, enter how many serial numbers you want to generate. By default, this will display the same number entered in the Receivable field of the Purchase Receipt form.

3.The No. of Serial Numbers to be Generated is a read-only field that shows the same number entered in the Receive field of the Purchase Receipt form.

4.In Default Size field, assign a default size if you need to. If the size you want to add is not yet available, then you may add that in the Inventory Size form located at the top of Inventory Serial Numbers form.

5.In Default Color field, assign a default color if you need to. If the size you want to add is not yet available, then you may add that in the Inventory Color form located at the top of Inventory Serial Numbers form.

Form Buttons


Bullet PointThe OK button will generate serial numbers.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Generate Serial Numbers form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button in the Status bar for help on how to use the Generate Serial Numbers form.

Related Topics

Inventory Serial Numbers

Add Serial Numbers

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