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Add Serial Numbers

The Add Serial Numbers form opens when you enter an Item No that has been setup for Serial Number Tracking in the Inventory Items form.  You will be able to add  Serial Numbers to items you received.  Just click on the arrows to select which serial number you will be using.  You can transfer over one or the entire group, depending on how many you have sold.  The Serial Numbers will print on the Invoice, as long as you select that a two line item display will be printed.


You can add serial numbers every time you make a Purchase Receipt and Inventory Adjustment, where New Quantity is greater than the Current Stock.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe New button will allow a new inventory serial number to be added.

Bullet PointThe Color button will open the Inventory Color form where you can enter or view an unlimited number of colors for the inventory serial numbers.

Bullet PointThe Size button will open the Inventory Size form where you can enter or view an unlimited number of sizes for the inventory serial numbers.

Bullet PointThe Generate Serials button will open the Generate Serial Numbers form where you can automatically generate serial numbers.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Inventory Serial Numbers - Purchase  Receipt form.

Related Topics

Inventory Serial Numbers

Adding Inventory Serial Numbers

Select Serial Numbers

Generate Serial Numbers