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Inventory Serial Numbers

The Inventory Serial Numbers form opens when you enter an Item No that has been setup for Serial Number Tracking in the Inventory Items form.  You will be able to select which Serial Numbers you are  assigning through this form.  Just click on the arrows to select which serial number you will be using.  You can transfer over one or the entire group, depending on how many you have sold.  The Serial Numbers will print on the Invoice, as long as you select that a two line item display will be printed.


You can select or assign serial numbers every time you make an Order, Invoice, Credit Memo, Return to Vendor, Inventory Transfer, Inventory Build Assembly and Inventory Adjustment, where New Quantity is less than Current Stock.


To select serial numbers, use the arrow buttons in between Available Serial Numbers and Selected Serial Numbers box.  Explained below is the description of each buttons.


Bullet PointThe Single Right Arrow button will bring the highlighted serial numbers in the Available Serial Numbers box to the Selected Serial Numbers box.

Bullet PointThe Double Right Arrow button will bring all the serial numbers in the Available Serial Numbers box to the Selected Serial Numbers box.  When this button is clicked and the total number of serial numbers on the Available Serial Numbers box exceeds that of the number in the Total Qty field found at the top right of the form, a message will be shown letting you know that it exceeds more than what is ordered.  Click Yes if you would want to increase the ordered qty and No to cancel it.

Bullet PointThe Single Left Arrow button will bring back the highlighted serial numbers in the Selected Serial Numbers box to the Available Serial Numbers box.

Bullet PointThe Double Left Arrow button will bring back all the serial numbers in the Selected Serial Numbers box to the Available Serial Numbers box.


The Find Serial Number field at the bottom left of the form allows you to find for serial numbers.  As you type a letter or number on this field, the serial number closest to it will be highlighted.


The Number of selected Serial Numbers read-only field will show the total selected serial numbers (serial numbers on the Selected Serial Numbers box).


Form Buttons

Bullet PointThe View Transactions button will open the Inventory Serial Numbers form (the same form that is opened when you click the Serial button in the Inventory Item form) where you can see the transactions where the serial numbers were created and/or assigned.

Bullet PointThe Cancel button will close the form and will not save any changes you have made.

Bullet PointThe OK button will close and save the Inventory Serial Numbers - Invoice form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left of the form for help on the form that is currently opened.


Related Topics

Inventory Serial Numbers

Add Serial Numbers

Generate Serial Numbers