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Receivables History

The Receivables History form is used to view posted Invoices, credit memos, opening balances and deposits.  This form is strictly used to quickly view unpaid posted transactions and not pay them. You would use the Receive Payments form to actually assign a payment against one or more transactions.  You have the option to select a customer from this form, and, add a new Receivable by clicking the New Receivable button at the top of the form.  This will automatically open the Receive Payments form.  This will also automatically create a new customer payment and add the selected customer information with all their unpaid transactions ready for you to receive against.


Select a Customer from the Customer ID combo box field to review a list of all your outstanding transactions for that customer in the  Line Item Detail area.  Each line item displays one unpaid transaction that will display details like the date of the transaction, amount, days past due and so on.  All the Customers will appear in the Customer ID combo box and will display every transaction for that customer.


The Transactions area at the top of the form will allow you to view Paid, Unpaid or All sales and service transactions.  Select what you want by clicking on a Radio button before the label.  The default will always be Paid when you open this form.


The Aging Date can be used to set the date you want to view transactions from.  The Aging Date will default to Today's Date, which is what your system's date is set to.


The Ellipse button next to each line item will display a review of the receivables (See Receivables Review form) when clicked.  This form will show every payment made to the selected transaction.


The Aging field on the Line Item Detail will display either Paid, Current, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days.

Bullet PointPaid means the transaction has been paid in full.

Bullet PointCurrent means the transaction has not been paid but it is still current and not considered late based on the selected Terms.

Bullet PointOver 30 means the transaction has not been paid in full yet and is now over 30 days late based on the selected Terms.

Bullet PointOver 60 means the transaction has not been paid in full yet and is now over 60 days late based on the selected Terms.

Bullet PointOver 90 means the transaction has not been paid in full yet and is now over 90 days late based on the selected Terms.

Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or closing.

Bullet PointThe New Receivable button will open the Receive Payments form to allow a new receivable to be added for the selected customer.

Bullet PointThe Find button will enable you to Find the receivables you are looking for.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Receive Payments form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.