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Unposting Write Checks

When you click the Unpost button, VisionCore will reverse the posted entries in your General Ledger with the data from the selected write checks transaction.  This provides you with a way of making a correction on the posted write check form at a later time.  In essence, this backs out the transaction from your General Ledger like it was never there to begin with.  The difference is that the General Ledger will still keep a record of the posted and unposted transactions so that you have a type of audit trail showing the history of that transaction.


You can click the Recap button to display a preview form of what will be entered in your General Ledger when you unpost the write check.


Under certain circumstances you may not be able to unpost certain write check transactions after they have been posted due to a variety of reasons listed below.

Bullet PointIf you have closed your periods in the Fiscal Year Periods form, past the date of the transaction you are trying to Unpost,  VisionCorewill not allow the transaction to be unposted.

Bullet PointThe Unpost feature is disabled in the Security form, Control Permissions tab.

Bullet PointOther transactions have been entered that directly affect the posted write check.  This could be a Bank Reconciliation transaction that has cleared the selected write check.

Bullet PointThe selected Write Check has been Void.  You must click the Void button to remove a voided check.


You will also notice that once you have unposted the write check the Unpost button label will now read Post.  This gives you the option to Post the transaction again when you have finished making any changes to the transaction.


Related Topics:

Void Checks