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Bill Items Tab

In the Bill Items Tab, the Line Item Details are used to review all the inventory items, quantities, amounts and so on for each item being purchased.


In the lower section of the form you will be able to view read only background information about the Item you are working on.  The Item No of the Item you are working on will be displayed also be displayed.  The Inventory topics in this lower section of the form include In Stock, Committed, Allocated, Available, Back Order, On Order (PO), Weight, Volume and Location.  Note that if you click on the Ellipse button in Item Number field, you may connect to the Inventory Warehouse Stock form where you will be able to change the Reorder Point.


First there will be a description of the fields in the Lower Section of the Form to be followed by a description of the fields in the Upper Section of the Form.


Line Item Details

1.The Item Number field is read only will display the item number as selected in the Purchase Receipt form.  You will not be able to select an existing Item No from the combo box nor enter a new Item No in the combo box.  If you need to enter other items, you may do it in the Purchase Receipt form.

2.The Description field will automatically be filled in with the selected Item No's description entered in the Inventory Items form.  You can edit the description field for each line item without affecting the original description.

3.The Warehouse field is read only and will automatically fill in based on the selected warehouse in the Purchase Receipt form.

4.The Ordered field is read only and will display how many of the selected items are currently on order.

5.The Received field is used to enter the number of the selected Item  you actually received.

6.The UOM (Units of Measure) field is read only and will automatically fill in based on the selected unit measure.

7.The Disc (Discount) field is where you can enter a discount percentage you received on the selected item.  If a vendor gives you a 5% discount when purchasing a particular item enter 5 in this field.

8.The Tax field is actually a combo box where you can enter different methods of sales tax for the selected line item.  This can be important if you are charged sales tax on one line item but you are not charged it on every other line item.

9.The Cost field will automatically fill in with the selected Item No's Last Cost entered in the Inventory Items form.  You can override this cost with a different amount if you need to but if you do, the Last Cost field in the Inventory Items form will also be updated.

10.The Total field will display the Received quantity multiplied by the Cost field.  If you received 5 and the cost was 30.00 each then the total field would display 150.00.

11.The Job ID field can be used to assign a Job ID to track the purchases for a job. The Job ID field also has a combo box that you may then click the Job ID number you are referencing from the combo box. See: Jobs. Once a Job ID is selected on the first line item, it will then be carried on each subsequent line item automatically.

12.The Additional Info field will automatically fill in with the selected Item Number's additional info entered in the Inventory Items form.

13.The Bin Location field will display the information entered in the Bin Location fields of the Inventory Items form, Stock tab.

14.The Expected Date field is used to enter the date you expect to receive the items.  When you have entered a date in the Expected Date field found in the General Tab, then upon selecting an item, that date will automatically be display on this field.  

Below are the descriptions for the fields on this Upper Section of the form.

1.The In Stock field is read only and displays the total quantity in stock.  Every time you sell or purchase this inventory item the In Stock field will change to display the new quantity in stock.

2.The Committed field is read only and displays the total quantity of that inventory item that has been ordered by a customer, but not yet invoiced/shipped.  Every time you create an order for the inventory item, the Committed field will change to display the quantity that's committed.  Committed means ordered by a customer, but yet still in stock.  Once the Order is converted to an Invoice and posted the Committed field will change to show the new quantity committed.  Also See: Committed Inventory Rules.

3.The Allocated field is read only and displays the total quantity of that inventory item that has been allocated for a customer, but not yet invoiced/shipped.  This field is able to be adjusted in the Order form.  See: Adding Orders.

4.The Available field is read only and displays the total quantity of that inventory item that has been made available for a customer, but not yet invoiced/shipped.

5.The Back Order field is read only and displays the total quantity on back order.  Every time a Back Order is created for the selected inventory item the Back Order field will change to display the add quantity on back order.

6.The On Order (PO) field is read only and displays the total quantity on order.  Every time you create a purchase order for this inventory item the On Order field will change to display the add quantity on order.

7.The Units, Weight and Volume fields will be read only, and, also automatically fill in based on the value setup in the Unit Measure form you selected in the lower half of this form.  You will also notice that at the top of the Line Item Detail directly above both of these fields will be a running total, in red, of both the weight and volume.   This information will be printed on the invoice.

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