In the Credit Card Charges form you can enter a charge amount into one of your credit card accounts. Normally you would use the credit card charge form to enter charges you have made on your credit card. This form was created to resemble a credit card slip and displays key information like your credit card number, the amount charged and the name of the company who charged your credit card.
You could of course use the General Journal to enter any credit card transactions. Many people find the General Journal to be hard to understand so this form was created to make it easier to use. It also takes a step further by providing you with a detailed register of the entered transactions in the Credit Card Account List form. This provides you with a much easier and more graphical way of viewing the history of your account.
This form can be used to add or edit records in the credit card charges form. To add new credit card charges, simply click the New button at the bottom of this form. If you need to edit existing credit card charges, just select the record you want to edit and make any necessary changes to the fields for that record. If the record is posted it will be necessary to unpost it before editing. For complete details on all the field descriptions for this form and a step by step guide on how to Create New Credit card charges, see Adding Credit Card Charges.
The record navigation buttons at the bottom of the form are used to move from one record to another. It also displays how many records are in the credit card charges form and what record you are currently on. Clicking on one of the four buttons will navigate you through your existing data. You may also use the Find button to find a specific record.
There are several helpful options that can be set in the Company Preferences forms to help make data entry easier and faster. One great feature in the Company Preferences form is to have the text fields displayed a certain way when you enter data so that it is easier to read and more consistent throughout the program.
Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.
The New button will clear the form to allow a new credit card charge to be added.
The Save button will save the selected credit card charge.
The Find button will enable you to Find credit card charges.
The Delete button will delete the selected credit card charge.
The Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.
The Post or Unpost button will post or unpost the Credit Card Charge and update the general ledger.
The Info button will open the Bank Account Information form and display the selected Bank Account information.
The Recap button will open the Recap Transaction form displaying a preview of what will be added to the general ledger when you click the Post button.
The Close button will close the form. You can also press Ctrl+F4 or click the X button at the upper right corner of the form.
Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.