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Adding Write Checks

The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Write Check.

1.From the Main Menu, click on Accounting, then Write Checks.  This will bring you to the Find Write Checks search form.  Next, click on the New    button in the upper left hand corner of the Find Write Check form.   This will bring you to the Write Checks form.  The cursor will be flashing at the top of the form in the Bank Account field.

2.The Bank Account field is where you select which account you want to issue a check out of.  This combo box will only display Checking Accounts, which must be setup in advance through the New Account Wizard.  Select the checking account you wish to use from the Bank Account combo box and the next consecutive available check number for this checking account will fill in provided it was setup in the Bank Account Information form.  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

3.The Balance field is where you will see the Ending Balance of the checking account you have selected.  This field is read only and cannot be changed.

4.The Currency field is used to assign a default currency for each check.  Normally this will automatically fill in with your default Currency ID setup in the Company Preferences form.  If the currency you want to use is not in the list you will have to add it to the Currency Exchange Rate form.  You can still override the Currency ID after it fills in if you need to but it helps speed data entry.  You will notice that if you use a different currency other than the default currency set in the Company Preferences form, the Total fields will display a different background color as to what is setup in User Preferences form - System tab.

5.The Checkbook ID will be automatically filled in with a unique number based on the starting number that is assigned in the Starting Numbers form.  This number is used as a reference for you and VisionCore to help find this transaction later if necessary.  It cannot be changed on this form but you can change the numbering sequence in the Starting Numbers form.

6.The Bank Name field will display the name of the bank based on the entry in the Bank Account combo box.  This field is read only and used to make it easy to tell the name of the selected bank instead of trying to figure it out from the Account ID.

7.In the Date field enter the date of the check you are entering.  The date will automatically default to today's date.  You can use the drop down arrow button to graphically enter the date using a miniature calendar or you can manually type one.

8.The Check No. field will automatically display the word "Check" when you add a new record.  You can manually enter the next check number you want to use for the selected Bank Account or click the little plus button next to the check number field to automatically fill in the next check number.  You must initially setup the next check number to be used in the Bank Account Information form using the Next Check Number field.  You can manually change this check number if necessary.

9.In the Payable To field you will enter the payee of this check.  If you click on the combo box drop down arrow button you can review a list of all the contacts entered in the program.  If you do not see the one you need, you can manually enter the Payee.

10.Next enter the Amount that you wish to write the check for.  It will automatically fill in the written amount in the line below.

11.In the Memo field you can enter any references or notes that you want displayed when you are issuing this check.

Info You do have the option to deselect the memo field from printing on a check.


12.The Vendor ID field can be used to reference a Vendor with the check.

Line Item Detail

The Line Item Detail is used to assign all related expense accounts for the check you are writing.

1.In the Account ID field you can select an Account ID that will indicate what type of expense this is for your company.  If you click on the drop down arrow button you can review the various accounts setup in your Chart of Accounts.

2.Whatever Account ID you select, the Description field will automatically fill in with description of the selected Account ID.  You can add to it or change it if necessary.

3.The Name field can be used to reference a Customer or Vendor ID.  If the selected Account ID is an "Accounts Receivable" header type then you must enter a Customer ID in the Name field.  If the selected Account ID is an "Accounts Payable" header type then you must enter a Vendor ID in the Name field.

4.If you need to connect this expense with a particular Job, you can enter a Job ID in the Job ID field that you have previously created in the Jobs form.

5.Whatever amount you have entered to pay in the Amount field of the check, will be filled in the Amount field of the selected line in the Line Item Detail.  You can change this amount if you will be splitting up the check over several lines in the Line Item Detail.  For every add line you add to the Line Item Detail, VisionCore will keep automatically entering the rest of the unapplied amount.

6.The Total field at the bottom of the form will reflect the grand total you are writing the check for.

7.The final step is to Post the Check you have created to update your General Ledger.  You must post the write check entry before you can print the check.  Once you have posted this check you can click on the Print button to print the check.

8.Click the Recap button to display a preview form of what will be entered in your General Ledger when you post the write check.

9.When you are through filling out all of the information about your write check, you can click on the New button to add another write check or click the Save button to save the write check.