Bank Account List view of
Cash Accounts |
Sort Bank Account List by
Currency |
Full Bank Register per account |
Sort, group and filter Bank
Register details |
Ability to Export register
details |
Detailed bank information
and setup per cash account |
MICR check setup available |
Check Audit features |
Configure Positive Pay to
work with your Bank |
Import and Export Positive
Pay details |
Write individual miscellaneous
checks |
Select a Vendor ID to populate
Payee |
Reference a Store ID per
check |
Individually or batch print
checks |
Easy to customize existing
checks with built in report
designer |
Ability to select and reprint
checks |
Withdrawals |
Deposits |
Undeposited Funds form to
select receivables for a
deposit |
Recap to see GL details
prior to posting |
Credit Card Account List
displaying accounts in the
Credit Card account group |
Sort Credit Card accounts
by currency |
Full Credit Card account
Register |
Use the Credit Card Charges
form to enter miscellaneous
charges |
Use the Credit Card Return
form to enter a return |
Bank Reconciliation |
Ability to sort columns
of information ascending
and descending |
Move column grids to customize
the layout of Bank Reconciliation
form |
Bank reconciliation reports
available while reconciling |
Reconcile credit card accounts |
Create recurring transactions |
Batch Post transactions |
User defined powerful grid
searching |
Group by any column in the
Search Form |
Export and summarize search
information |
Advanced and Saved searching
options available |