Fully Integrated Point of
Sale module |
Touch screen friendly |
Works with any barcode scanner |
Integrated payment processing
to process credit cards
and gift cards |
Works with any credit card
swiper |
Works with any touch screen
monitor or use the mouse
and keyboard |
Tied directly into the sales
order module |
Tied directly into the accounts
receivable module for consolidated
reporting |
Secure register login includes
user name, password, opening
drawer balance, store and
warehouse |
Extra large fonts for easy
reading |
Fast item lookup by item
number or UPC code |
Create fast cash customer
sale or select any customer
from the customer form |
Override tax on any item |
Popup form to quickly enter
a quantity when purchasing
the sever of the same items |
Scanning the same item twice
will increase the quantity
or the original instead
of adding another line item |
Adjust the price for any
item with a touch friendly
popup form |
Add or edit the discount
for any item with a touch
friendly popup form |
Discount entire order or
just a line item by percent
or amount |
Receive multiple payments
including cash, check, credit
card or other payment types |
Automatically print receipt
and start new order after
processing payments |
Lookup past sales receipts
Lookup customer information
and history |
Process a return on a past
sales receipt |
Use barcode scanner to scan
printed receipt to lookup
past sales receipts |
End of day drawer balance
and reporting |
Securely Log out without
closing out your register |
All transactions processed
through the POS will automatically
appear in the General Ledger
real-time |
Run sales reports to see
totals from each register
and cashier |
Edit existing line items |
View pictures of scanned
items |
Add a new item to inventory
on the fly |
See the item count on screen |
Keyboard shortcuts for all
function as customizable |
Use the security form to
restrict access to any functions
of the cashier |