Ability to create your own
custom Taxes
Calculate taxes by fixed
amount, hourly amount, hourly
percentage or percentage |
Ability to choose if a Tax
is paid by the Employee
or the Company |
Update Employees with a
Tax Type that has been modified |
Create unlimited number
of Earning ID |
Set the Earning to calculate
by annual salary, fixed
amount or hourly rate |
Create an Earning for Fringe
Benefit calculation |
Create an Earning for Reimbursement
to Employees |
Select Employee and Employer
taxes per Earning |
Create unique Deductions |
Calculate Deductions by
fixed amount, hourly amount,
hourly percentage or percentage |
Select if the Deduction
is paid by the Employee
or Company |
Create Time Off Types to
be associated to a specific
Earning |
Time off Types will reduce
based on use of that Earning |
Create Payroll Groups for
rapid setup at the Employee
level for taxes, earnings,
deductions and time off |
Create Employee Pay Groups
to identify pay period |
Workers Compensation Codes |
Create Employee Opening
Balances |
Check box for 1099 Employees |
Schedule Activities for
Employees |
Attach documents to Employee
Initiate transaction from
Employee form |
Unlimited custom fields |
Enable Time Clock to calculate
hours |
Weekly Timesheets |
Direct Deposit (Web Pay,
NPC Pay 2 and NACHA) |
Convert an Employee to a
Sales Rep |
Create Paychecks for all
employees within the Process
Pay Groups |
Ability to deselect an Employee
from a pay run through the
Process Pay Groups |
User defined powerful grid
searching |
Group by any column in the
Search Form |
Export and summarize search
information |
Advanced and Saved searching
options available |